- Last week – Part 1
- Conference in Oklahoma: https://www.teleiosconference.com/
- This week – some of the feedback I have received and reflections
Question that always comes to mind for me: “How do we consider this generation in light of their growing up in an age that was completely taken over by the internet? How has that affected them and how do we get them back to Jesus?” We all seek comfort, peace, joy, community, safety, and especially purpose. Showing them the most excellent way is going to be important, but also fully addressing the notions of women’s roles in the church and the LGBTQ+ community as both of those are major points for this upcoming generation.
Conversational teaching in the round, learning together.
“Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers!” (Mark 3:34 NIV11)
- Read this article again: https://gordonferguson.org/icoc-3-00-by-jim-mccartney/
- Draw younger generation into decision-making. Helps ownership.
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12 NIV11)
“Remember, our job is to prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child.”, Generation iY, Dr. Tim Elmore and Dan Cathy

- Read Gordon’s article
- Another conversation with Jack
- Read the book below
- What are my blind spots? How adapt teaching? How connect? How help them not to be bored? How help them love the Bible, absorb it and become competent in teaching it.

Question: What questions would you suggest I ask at the conference?
Why not sign up for the Old Testament Survey module: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/old-testament-survey-aim-uk-ireland-tickets-531954449077 More information about AIM can be found here: https://www.aimukandireland.com. Send me an email expressing interest if you cannot find what you need on the site.
Please add your comments on this week’s topic. We learn best when we learn in community.
Do you have a question about teaching the Bible? Is it theological, technical, practical? Send me your questions or suggestions. Here’s the email: malcolm@malcolmcox.org.
If you’d like a copy of my free eBook on spiritual disciplines, “How God grows His people”, sign up at my website: http://www.malcolmcox.org.
Please pass the link on, subscribe, leave a review.
Keep calm and carry on teaching.
God bless, Malcolm