The A.I.M. programme for the UK & Ireland continues to expand. Our next module is Church History, to be taught on Saturday 3rd December 2022.
As one wise person put it, “Those who ignore the lessons of history are bound to repeat them.” There is so much to learn from two millennia of church history! The course introduces students to the early church, various heretical groups, the medieval church, the origins of Protestantism, the Restoration Movement, and the Discipling Movement. We focus on pivotal events, key dates, and lessons to be learnt.

The Thames Valley churches of Christ are sponsoring the programme as part of their teaching ministry.
The main teachers are myself, Dr Douglas Jacoby (the founder of the Athens Institute of Ministry) and Dr Andy Boakye.
Details of the programme, schedule and costings can be found here: https://www.aimukandireland.com/courses.
Our administrator is Michelle Cheema. She can be contacted here: michelle@thamesvalley.church
Any other questions, please email me: malcolm@malcolmcox.org
God bless, Malcolm