Newsletter Episode 60

Are you fitting in to God’s plan for your life?
Actually, this title is disingenuous. I’m not sure we can be completely confident that we are fitting in to God’s plan for our lives. At least, not at the moment in time we ask that question.
I am somewhat sceptical about the idea that God has a specific plan for my life or anybody else’s. At least, in detail. What seems to me more illustrative of a genuine relationship, is that the connection between me and God is more of a dance than me figuring out his plan.
However, it is reasonable to ask whether the way in which we are living fits with the circumstances God has given us. In the picture above you will see a terrarium. It’s the wedding anniversary gift my parents sent Penny and me. A terrarium, if you don’t know, is a small glass box in which one grows plants. Small plants. Plants that fit.
I may want a birch tree, a Laburnum, a Leyllandii. Yes, no matter how much I want them, they will not fit into that terrarium. It will not suit them. They will not thrive, and the terrarium would not survive. Forcing things to fit when we want them to only lead to breakages. Consequently when we went to the garden centre this week to buy some plants, we only looked at small ones. Ones that fit.
I do not have time to fully develop the concept this week. A combination of wedding anniversary celebrations, my son moving out and my father being in hospital makes time a little more precious than usual. However, what I would suggest is that you spend some time in prayer this week asking our heavenly father to give you insight as to whether you are fitting the circumstances he has given you.
When we accept his healthy restrictions, we are better equipped to flourish in the way he intends. Hebrews 12 is a good background passage on which to meditate.
Upcoming projects and events for the next few days
- A sermon on Psalm 134 for the Watford church this Sunday
- Continuing the new series on prayer for the Thames Valley church (based on the Lord’s prayer from Matthew 6). Next class based on Matthew 6:11.
- The wrap-up class for the series “They tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might” (Psalm 145:11) – pulling all the parts together and answering questions
- A quiet time coaching podcast on “Give us this day our daily bread”
- Visiting my mother for her 84th birthday
- Working on some plans, together with some friends, for an event on the issues surrounding Christianity and race.
- Taking the bank holiday Monday off to celebrate our wedding anniversary (which was the 24th August, but we delayed celebrating). Yes, it’s been 35 years!
- Starting to host a branch of the Renovare book club. We’re beginning with Pete Greig’s book, “How to pray“. I’ve read the first two chapters. It’s deep, but engaging. More on the book when I’ve had a chance to digest it.
Don’t forget the excellent resources that my friend Simon Dinning is putting out these days. His latest post is “Has the Bible Been Changed?“
Solution focused coaching
Many thanks to the person who agreed to let me coach them this week. Let me know if you would like some coaching. Sessions can be as short or as long as needed. I am currently looking for someone to help me with setting up a website for my coaching. Thank you to everybody who has already contacted me, but if you know someone or you would be interested in helping me with this please get in touch.
Until the next time,
God bless, Malcolm