Newsletter 29 February 2020

Exploring the good life
Well, I’m back home this afternoon after an extraordinary morning exploring the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10).
As most of you will know the Watford church asked me to put on what we call a teaching day and we picked the Beatitudes. As I type this I am feeling very satisfied, tired and a little emotional as I think about the efforts everybody put in to make today a success. 30 people turned up from all over London, as well as those who travelled from as far as Hampshire and Birmingham to be there. One person even came simply as a result of finding us on Eventbrite. Many thanks to Rob Payne for suggesting putting the teaching day on Eventbrite. It works!
It’s heartening to me personally to see a genuine hunger to understand and learn how to apply these amazing teachings of Jesus. And it’s a privilege to have had the time and space to study and prepare the materials.
It was gratifying to be asked by several people, “When’s the next one?”. Right now I need a lie down and a cup of tea before contemplating another day like today! However, I know it will not be long before I’m planning and praying about a similar event.
The live feed is on YouTube already. Have a look at my YouTube channel – you should find it there.
I’m really interested to know the opinions of the people who attended, but also anybody who watched the live feed, or might watch it later, as to suggestions on follow-up. Should we do more on the same topics, or pick another passage or topic from the Bible for a future teaching day? Please give your feedback – it is very, very valuable.
On Tuesday I fly to San Antonio in Texas to attend a teachers’ conference called “Conversations”.

It will be good to see old friends and, I hope, make new ones.
One of my prayers for the trip is to build deeper friendships with people interested in teaching. Another prayer focus is to discover what might be God’s desire for my emphasis in the sphere of teaching. In which areas of teaching do my gifts most bear fruit? What would be good to focus on in the future?
Some other questions on my mind include these: How can we develop a culture of valuing deeper Bible teaching in our fellowships in the UK and Ireland? What opportunities could I and others provide for those hungry for deeper teaching?
This week I pose a simple question: “What Biblical topic or passage would you find it most helpful to have taught in a special session?”
I hope that this week’s podcasts, videos and other materials help you to develop deeper faith in God and his word.
Prayer requests
- Please pray that seeds sown at today’s Watford teaching day will grow into full fruitfulness.
- I am attending the “Conversations” teachers conference in San Antonio in early March. Please pray that I learn what God wants me to learn, and build spiritual friendships which will support and refine me for the work God has called me to. I will post daily updates while I’m there (Wi-Fi permitting) and a full report on the conference when I’m back.
Thank you for reading this far, and encouraging me in my endeavours to support our times of quiet with God, our corporate worship experiences, and the effectiveness of our preaching and teaching. I hope my uploads will help you to build stronger friendships with other people and with God.
If you know anyone who might enjoy these materials, please send them a link to my website and encourage them to sign up for this newsletter.
God bless, Malcolm