I have a passion to do my best to make sure that our congregation’s members can take a meaningful communion every week. I believe we can avoid dull repetition and boredom. And the opposite problem of going off-topic in such of creativity. The answer, as usual, is to go deeper. I have taught on the atonement a few times, and found this to be tremendously helpful in my thinking about the communion. I share today about one of the models of the atonement – that called, “Christus Victor”.

Let me know what you think of this model. In what way is it helpful? How might it assist you in preparing a talk about the communion? What scriptures, images, stories would give people confidence, as they take bread and wine, that they are set free, released and on the winning side?

Please leave a comment in the comment box below. We learn best when we learn in community.

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Thanks so much for watching and listening. I hope you have a terrific Tuesday and a wonderful week.

God bless, Malcolm

Scriptures referenced:

  • John 12:31
  • Jn 14.30, 16.11
  • 1 Jn 5.19
  • Act 10.38
  • Romans 3:9
  • Rom 6.6-12, 7.7-20, 23, 25
  • Jn 12.31
  • Col 2.15
  • Lk 4.8, Eph 4.8
  • Col 1.16, 20
  • 1 Jn 3.8
  • 1 John 3:8
  • Heb 2.14-15
  • 1 Cor 15.25
  • Lk 11.21-22
  • Jn 10.10
  • 1 Pet 3.21-22